Tuesday, April 13, 2010

These American kids have it good, don't they?

I had quite an adventure the other day at The Met. T'was a little crowded but that didn't matter 'cause I had the whole day. It's usually packed in the mornings with school kids on field trips and I just couldn't help but feel a little envious that morning.

These kids have it good. I wonder if they realize. Their field trips include visiting...

... Dinosaurs,


And Van Gogh.

Oh and ...

and Andy Warhol (!!!)

and Chuck Close

and RODIN!
(Was surprised at how tiny he was)

... Monet ... (*sigh*)

I made another visit with my cousins after that day. This time in the evening after Cat had finished work. Cat used to work at the Museum and gave me a private tour. It was nothing short of AWESOME.
We were quiet for awhile. Each of us in or own world starring at Van Gogh when I said to them, 'You guys are so lucky. You get to come here anytime you want.'
And then Roy turned to me and said, 'Yeah? I'd trade places with you any day. You get to have Ban Chang Kueh anytime you want!'

(Chinese Peanut Pancakes, A Penang Roadside Delicacy)

I guess the grass will always be greener on the other side :)

10,000 miles for Ban Chang Kueh and 10,000 miles for...

breakfast with Rex...

... And tea with my friend the @NatHistoryWhale

Both equally worth the journey!


taatjene said...

SUPER i'm fan of the styl.....

vacation packages said...

All of your Idea and photos make yourself as a thoughtful meaning and hope it will be continued as well as going..
