60 years ago,
There were
Our nation's symbol of
I have been browsing through the web to research material for my Tiger Blogfest entry and am horrified by what I found. I was looking for information on the dwindling population of our Malayan Tiger and found that no amount of facts, stats and information will ever be able to send a stronger message than a few horrifying photographs.
I will not post these pictures here.
They are too heartbreaking.
Here's a link to the images I've found.
Or you could just Google 'Tiger poaching' or 'Tiger parts'
These images are graphic.
Do not view if you have a weak heart.
Help increase the Malayan Tiger population by spreading the word on Tiger conservation.
For more information on the efforts taken to increase their numbers, please log on to
To find out how you can help, please log on to
Earn your stripes and become a Tiger Ambassador today.
Join us in our pledge,
I hereby pledge,
- to not eat, buy or sell tigers, their parts or products that claim to contain tiger essences.
- to report wildlife crimes to the Wildlife Crime Hotline at 019.356.4.194
- to earn my stripes and learn more about tigers and how to save them.
It's the Year of The Tiger.
Don't let this be the last.
good one, Chelsia. Look forward to more from you.
Thank you! Always happy to be able to contribute!
Visiting you on Earth day as our tiger in the wild gets fewer by those inconsiderate people, can't call the 'animals'.
I've got a few more to go, my fingers are getting numb, but Tiger Marathon In Cyberspace is worth it.
Best Regards
Rakan Pak Belang
Cinta Alam Malaysia
thanks for sharing, chels! I posted a note on FB thanks to your spreading of the word. ROAR, baby ROAR!!
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