Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Magic 8 ball messing up my mind.. I think it's broken.

Nose feeling a little funny today. Was playing with Kennedy and Chilli at Chings'. I love her place. Was snooping around upstairs and found an old dresser in one of the rooms. T9 ran out of battery or I would have taken another roll of photos (Sounds better when I say 'roll' instead of 'memory stick' don't cha' think?)

I wonder if I ever get my punctuations correct.

Daddy having supper.. Probably for the second time tonight.
Mommy just joined him.

I haven't written in my journal for more than a week now. I skip a day and the rest is history.

Mom fixed my notebook with just one flick of a panel. What will I ever do without my Mommy?

Kos makaning now. I'm hungry again.. Gluttony is a sin..

Speaking of gluttony... The Vatican announced the latest list of thou-shalt-nots. Now it's officially a sin to pollute.

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